Super Anthony: The Battle Robot with 45 Kg Servo Force Punch
Super Anthony is the medal-winning fighting robot with 15 steel-geared servomotors and 45 kg servo force punch. Be a robot master now!

Undergoing countless adjustments. Enduring intense metal-clashing fights. Winning countless battles and earning deafening cheers. After five years of trial by fire, we present you with Super Anthony!

Born for success. Fight for glory. Meet the unbeatable fighting robot with 15 steel-geared servomotors at 45 kg force each.

Super Anthony enters the arena at 15 inches high, weighing in at 4.6 lbs. This champion robot is an agile beetleweight fighter with an earth-shattering 45 kg per servo punch force. He’s wear-resistant with steel gears and has a one-piece output shaft design for ultra-high precision.
“Skillful and powerful, nimble and unbeatable. With Super Anthony, you’re automatically combat-ready!”

What sets Super Anthony apart is that it is one of the very few humanoid robots that can do a side kick! Every servomotor unleashes 45 kg-cm of torque, transferring it to each part of the body.

Super Anthony comes with various built-in moves, but he has much more up its sleeve! He is able to execute sophisticated attacks in battles.

With the help of InnoBASIC Workshop, you can easily develop your unique attacks—whether it’s a punch, forward slam, or backward flip, he’ll give a perfect finishing blow to guarantee victories!
See more attacks of this master fighter:

5 Features
- Efficient Performance: His servomotor is engineered for high voltage and low current, extending its lifespan and performance
- Ultra Wear-Resistant: His steel gears can endure high torque, further guaranteeing him a long life
- Precision Motion: His integrated output shaft boosts accuracy without needing to return to zero position
- Easy Maintenance: His modular panel and pluggable RCA connector sets make repairs simple
- Craftsmanship: His anodized aluminum body and tight-fitting parts with razor-thin gaps make him strong and durable.
Ultra-Strong 45 Kg per Servo Punch Force
Super Anthony is equipped with 15 patented steel-geared IQ4516HV servomotors, delivering a mighty 45 kg-cm torque to every part of his body that overpowers all other machines on the market. In comparison:
- The average robot toy has a servomotor adapted Arduino board with a torque of about 5 kg-cm.
- Radio-controlled cars usually have 9–25 kg-cm servomotors.
- Entertainment robots are built with servomotors of 12–18 kg-cm torque.
- Advanced robots come with 35 kg-cm servomotors.
Super Anthony’s servomotors leave all of them in the dust.

State-of-the-Art 15-Axis Structure
Super Anthony has a customized 15-axis crafted structure that provides intuitive control for full freedom of mobility. He can fight more swiftly and accurately than other robots.

With direct drive robotic arms, Super Anthony attacks with flexibility and delivers perfect jabs, punches, and hooks.

Combat Master Landed in the Arena
His robotic feet are unique on the robot market: created with a linkage structure that keeps his footpads vertical to his body, he moves fast and stands firm. He can outwalk his opponents. In 2016, Anthony 8 won the 2nd place among 148 robots in a straight-line walking contest in Japan.

Learn to Control Super Anthony in No Time
Super Anthony already comes with built-in moves and attacking skills. You only need to connect him to a controller or your phone via Bluetooth with Super Anthony App and you’re all set for your combat journey. Fight anytime, anywhere you want.

Start by making your own sandbag for punching practice! Take an empty 2-liter bottle and fill it two-thirds of the way with water. Hang it up. Voila!

See how many times you can make your Super Anthony hit the bottle within 30 seconds, and use the chart below to measure your performance. Make your Super Anthony a beetle-weight champ!

Your Best Partner in the Robot Age
There is no doubt that Super Anthony can walk, dance, and box, but his true value lies in the adaptability. You can go beyond basics and learn hardware control, robot and motor assembling, and software programming through creating your killer moves.

In addition to InnoBASIC Workshop, you can also customize your fighter by downloading the application development software, App Inventor, and programming features of your phone like image recognition, GPS, voice activation, and more. See how much more there is to Super Anthony!

The Anthony series continue to outshine in robotic competitions:
- 2014–2015 International Competition on Intelligent Humanoid Robotics ROBO-ONE 1st and 2nd place winner
- 2016–2017 4 Times Champion at Robot Boxing League
- 2016 ROBO-ONE Top 8
- 2017 ROBO-ONE Light Top 8
- 2018 ROBOGAMES Robot Demonstration Silver Medal and KungFu Bronze Medal
Undergoing years of motor optimization, program refinement, and hardcore combats, Super Anthony combined the strength of his previous generations. He is the king of the ringborn to defeat dominate battles!

The creator of Super Anthony, Hu Che-Wei, has long dreamt of building the toughest combat robot. To build a robot with the highest stability and quality, and that can be operated by anyone, Hu and Super Anthony participated in countless combats.
Over the past 5 years, Anthony has evolved and reached the highest level of combat, learning from hands-on experience. The torque from 15 super servomotors is completely and precisely transferred to the body. Without any flashy plastic parts, Super Anthony only has what a fighter needs in his body.

Limitless IQ has long been devoted to the promotion, education, and maintenance of robotic products. In joining forces with Hu, we establish education programs and various creative competitions for robots, bringing robots and the importance of robotics into our daily lives.
We hope that by presenting Super Anthony to the world, people can share their techniques and creativity with one another and inspire more people to learn about robots.
We call for every robot enthusiast and maker to join us, to expand the capabilities of robots from not only in entertainment and education but to the vast possibilities in the application.

Your feedback and support will motivate us to carry on. Thank you so much for joining us. Let us move on to a better robotic age!

Risks and challenges
We have great confidence in Super Anthony. The Anthony series, from 1st to the 8th generation, have undergone repeated testing and won numerous competitions. During these years, we have partnered with many good manufacturers to ensure world-class production quality.
We are committed to delivering Super Anthony on time with the highest quality. Since the robot is an electronic product, it requires various certifications. Super Anthony is now passing through the relevant tests. We have planned our schedule thoroughly. Should there be any uncontrollable factor contributing to delays, we will keep you, our awesome backers, up to date. You can also reach out to us anytime.
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